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Issue 3, FLIGHT

Soaring new stories by Philomena van Rijswijk, Joshua Bell, Robert Isaacs, Audrey Carroll, and Zach VandeZande; illustrated work by L.M. Beuthe and Thoele Sarradet. Issue 3, the FLIGHT issue, rises above the tedious mundane to unexpected (perhaps perilous) heights. Rise to the occasion. Discover the joys and dangers of flight, in: Hindsight Issue 3!


Issue 2

Spring, 2021

Featuring short stories by Kimberly Garza, Fabiana Elisa Martínez, Matthew Di Paoli, and Josh Hickman, art by Julia Hironaga and Ryan Valentine, poetry by sol del llano and a comic short story by Zendo de Melo, Issue 2 is alternately raucous, then somber, as we contemplate with varying degrees of outrage and/or deep melancholy the various absurdities of the paradoxical year of our founding, 2020. Is that RELIEF we're feeling, survivor's guilt? Find out, in: Hindsight Issue 2!

Issue 1

Spring, 2020

Flash fiction and prose poetry by Iliana Rocha, Robert Lopez, Joseph Michaels and Jessica Miller! A graphic short story by Thoele Sarradet! Short stories by Matt Bondurant and Susan Ayotte! The INAUGURAL issue of Hindsight Magazine weaves in and out of Texas (where Hindsight calls home) to explore monsters in the dark, blue Chrysler sedans, out of the park homeruns, ancient pagan deities, the dishes, the nature of memory and possibly a federal crime or two (hard to say). It will all make sense in: Hindsight, issue 1. 

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