Call for submissions:
We are currently reading for our UNTHEMED ISSUE 4,
send us what you got!
Hindsight welcomes submissions from writers at any point in their careers, published or otherwise, and we are actively looking for voices that have not traditionally been represented in the literary world. This means, among other things, that no MFA is required, and although you should feel free to mention it in your cover letter (you worked hard for it, after all), it doesn't bestow any advantages.
If you're interested in submitting your work for publication in Hindsight Magazine, whether our online forum, the Reading Room, or our bi-annual print publication, first of all, thank you! But please do look over our guidelines first.
Response time varies, but we hope to get back to you within 4 weeks or so. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer individualized feedback on submissions.

We are open to almost any style, whether experimental or more traditionally narrative, but before you submit, it's a good idea to get a sense of the kind of work we publish in the Reading Room. It's free!

We publish primarily prose and graphic fiction. We do not generally publish poetry.

Simultaneous submissions are fine, but please do withdraw your submission immediately if accepted elsewhere.
All submissions must be previously unpublished, whether online or in print.

Guidelines for Online Submission

Prose submissions should be no more than 2,000 words. You can include up to three flash pieces per submission.

For graphic work, submit shorter pieces that will fit on a single page. We are open to a range of styles, whether narrative, abstract, cartographic (pirates welcome) or otherwise.
Guidelines for Print Submission

Hindsight publishes short, very short, and long form fiction and non-fiction.

While we don't have any hard and fast rules on print submission length, keep in mind that the longer the piece, the longer the likely response time. We are one of the few print magazines that allow for long-form works, your not-so-short stories or even novellas, and your patience is appreciated! Keep in mind also that any work above, say, 10k words is likely to be serialized between 2 or more issues.

We publish creative non-fiction, favoring the personal and revelatory. We do not publish essays, reviews, or scholarly work.

We are eagerly looking for graphic narrative and hybrid work of (almost) any length, both fiction and non-fiction. Again, there are no hard and fast rules, beyond common sense. If your work is especially long, feel free to pitch it to us first at fiction@hindsightmag.org.

Contributors receive two free copies of the edition they appear in.